Adoption Tails #15: Molly

Welcome to the 15th edition of Adoption Tails, our blog series that highlights YOUR pet’s story!

In today’s Adoption Tail, we talk about the story of Molly, who was adopted into the family of one of our volunteers! Discover how this sweet tortie has melted the hearts of her human (and canine and feline) family members, in the words of her mom, Kristina.

When did you adopt Molly?

We adopted Molly in January 2018.

How old was Molly when you adopted her, and how old is she now?

She was 5-6 years old, and now she is 7-8 years old.

What motivated you to adopt?

Molly was adopted not only as a companion for myself, but for my previously adopted cat, Shadow. When Shadow’s previous companion, Marble, passed away from a severe case of lymphoma, my heart was broken. I knew I needed time to mourn her loss, but I also knew what a positive impact Marble had on Shadow – how she kept him company when I was at work, how she helped alleviate his anxieties by being the sassy and confident lady that she was, and how she taught him basic cat tactics like climbing on counters and playing with feathers. That is why I decided to begin my search for another cat-friend for my Shadow.

Did you have pets previously?

Yes, I have had pets most of my life.

How did you hear about/decide to adopt from Karma Cat + Zen Dog Rescue Society?

My mom (Marina) is one of your volunteers.

Describe when you first met Molly and how you knew she was the right pet for you.

When I walked into KCZD, they took time to ask questions and listen to my situation in order to recommend some good fits. During my meet-and-greet playtime with one of the recommended kitties, I noticed a slender, gray tortie with big green eyes looking at me from her “apartment.” She looked EXACTLY like my recently-passed Marble! I couldn’t help but go over to meet her, and immediately I noticed just how much her personality and confidence resembled Marble’s. When I found out her name was Molly (Marble…Molly…so similar!), I knew she was the one.

Describe bringing Molly home – how did the adjustment period go?

Bringing Molly home was a breeze. She adjusted to everyone and everything quickly and effortlessly (including both of my shelter babies, Shadow and the pitbull, Axel).

If applicable, describe any personality/behavior changes from since you brought Molly home, to now.

Molly was a friendly cat from the get-go, but she was also highly independent. She was fond of people and did not scare from strangers, but she was also not overly affectionate… at least not in the beginning. Now, after a few months, she really started to warm up to my fiancé and I. She loves when we pick her up and walk around with her over our shoulders, and she has become such a love bug that she doesn’t leave my side – she even checks up on me when I am in the shower!

How would you describe Molly’s personality?

Confident, independent (at first), affectionate, friendly, goofy, playful.

Please describe any silly/quirky traits Molly has.

When I first rescued Shadow from a shelter, to my surprise, he showed me that he liked to give kisses in a very unique way – he would ask you to bend down closer to him, and when you did, he would get up on his hind legs, push up to meet your face, and he would “boop” you with his face. We do this every day when I come home from work. Molly has picked up on this and now demands kisses of her own! Molly loves to play – she is a really good jumper and loves her feather wand toy. In the middle of the night, she takes the feather piece in her mouth and trails up and down the stairs with the wand part making a ton of noise on the stairs in an effort to get us up and playing with her.

Interested in sharing your own Karma Cat + Zen Dog Adoption Tail? We want to hear from you! Click here to submit your story!

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