Adoption Tails #18: Spitfire

Welcome to the 18th edition of Adoption Tails, our blog series that highlights YOUR pet’s story!

Today’s Adoption Tail is a very special one: it’s from our founder, Christie! Read on to explore the adoption story of her cat, Spitfire, who she started off fostering … but then quickly realized she couldn’t resist his sweet kisses and infamous “alien eyes.” Enjoy!

When did you adopt Spitfire?

We adopted him in 2012.

How old was Spitfire when you adopted him, and how old is he now?

Spitfire was 9 months old when we adopted him … he’s 8.5 years old now.

What motivated you to adopt?

I fostered Spitfire when the organization learned that he either needed to have a leg amputated or orthopedic surgery to correct a growth deformity. One bone in his front left leg was shorter than the other causing him to have an uncomfortable gait. The surgery was done and Spitfire needed to be in a cast and on cage rest for several weeks. He stayed with me and we bonded … but I did put him up for adoption after he was healed! After several weeks officially looking for his forever home – he found it with me! I just couldn’t resist his sweet kitty kisses and huge alien eyes.

Did you have pets previously?

I’ve had cats since I was 19 years old … can’t imagine a house without them!

Describe bringing Spitfire home – how did the adjustment period go?

Since I was his foster, Spitfire walked back into the home with no issues!

If applicable, describe any personality/behavior changes from since you brought Spitfire home, to now.

He was, and still is, momma’s baby! He knows when someone needs some extra love and he’s a very good TV-binge-watching partner.

How would you describe Spitfire’s personality?

He’s our weird alien cat – he has the largest eyes and when he stares at you, you get the feeling that he’s reading your thoughts.

Please describe any silly/quirky traits Spitfire has.

He still has a slight limp which just adds to his charm. He will ask to play with “da bird” toy. He also insists on a 5:00 AM breakfast and will knock items off dressers to get our attention.

Interested in sharing your own Karma Cat + Zen Dog Adoption Tail? We want to hear from you! Click here to submit your story!

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