Adoption Tails #20: Dexter

Welcome to the 20th edition of Adoption Tails, our blog series that highlights YOUR pet’s story!

In this Adoption Tail, we explore the story of ginger boy, Dexter. This handsome guy was adopted in September 2019 by his cat mom, Brooke, and her boyfriend. Dexter adjusted quickly to his new home, and now he is a full-blown lap cat who will sleep on his mom’s lap for hours on end. Read on to learn more about this boy’s journey into his forever home!

When did you adopt Dexter?

September 2019.

How old was Dexter when you adopted him, and how old is he now?

Dexter was 4 and now he is 5.

What motivated you to adopt?

My boyfriend and I moved in together and we both wanted a pet.

Did you have pets previously?

We’ve both had pets separately before, both dogs and cats.

How did you hear about/decide to adopt from Karma Cat + Zen Dog Rescue Society?

It was around the corner from our new apartment.

Describe when you first met Dexter and how you knew he was the right pet for you.

I looked him up on the website and knew he’d be perfect. He was described as a big orange cuddle bug who everyone fell in love with, not to mention he was very handsome. When I met him he came out of his house and nuzzled my hand and went back to his house. I went to see him three times before we adopted him.

Describe bringing Dexter home – how did the adjustment period go?

He adjusted pretty quickly, he immediately went straight to the bathroom and curled up in the sink. It’s still his favorite room in the apartment. He was asking for pets and nuzzling almost immediately.

If applicable, describe any personality/behavior changes from since you brought Dexter home, to now.

At first, he was hiding under the bed and would want to be alone more when we got him but now he’s totally different. He is very attached to me will follow anywhere I go and he sleeps in the crook of my arm. He’s 100% a lap cat and if I get a blanket he kneads me and will pass out on me for hours, and I love it. He’s also lost three pounds since he’s been with us!

Dexter and his mama.

How would you describe Dexter’s personality?

A big mama’s boy who’s extremely sweet and loving.

Please describe any silly/quirky traits Dexter has.

He absolutely loves chin rubs, and his blue dragonfly wand toy that he likes to carry in his mouth around the apartment.

Please provide any additional stories or information that you’d like to tell us about Dexter and/or his adoption experience.

He completes our little family and I could not be happier to be his mom.

Interested in sharing your own Karma Cat + Zen Dog Adoption Tail? We want to hear from you! Click here to submit your story!

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