Adoption Tails #21: Lilith

Welcome to the 21st edition of Adoption Tails, our blog series that highlights YOUR pet’s story!

In this Adoption Tail, we explore the story of sweet Lilith (formerly known as Pattipan). This Adoption Tail is a special one because it comes to us as an update to a previous Adoption Tail featuring Norman and Elliott. The cats’ parents, Sue and Tom, adopted Norman and Elliott on Halloween in 2018, and recently added Lilith to the mix! Read on to read the heartwarming update we received from Sue and Tom about how Lilith (and “the boys”) are doing (in their words).

Pattipan now named Lilith has been fitting in so nicely with our family, we can’t thank you enough for recommending her.


From the very start she seemed like she felt at home in our house, and immediately took to Norman and Elliott. Sue says that when Lilith was introduced to the boys, she said, “Oh hi, we’re going to be best friends!” and made it so. To her credit, she’s hard not to love.


The boys were a little hesitant at first with her.  But in a very, very short time they became best friends with her, playing and running around the house with her like they grew up together. They tried to test her early on and she didn’t take any sass. In fact, she handed it straight back to them despite being half their size. In our house, this girl is definitely the boss. We renamed her Lilith as we felt the name suited her personality symbolizing strength. But that quickly changed to her nickname of “Beans,” due to the very tiny and cute beans on her paws.


Norman and Elliott have been doing really well. We noticed after Brando, our former foster cat, left they were still skittish and nervous, but over time they started to relax and returned to their normal silly selves. We were sad that things didn’t work with Brando, as he is a great cat in his own way and we came to love him, but it was very clear to see the strain they all put on each other. Brando (while excellent with his human companions) ended up being more of a solitary cat who needed to be the “king of his own castle.” We have been keeping “in touch” with Brando via Instagram and it’s great to see him doing so well in his new life. He seems very happy and relaxed, which makes us incredibly happy. We feel it is a great blessing to be able to follow along through his pictures and videos, and it gives us a lot of comfort as it was hard on us when he left.


All in all, we couldn’t be happier and again can’t thank you enough for recommending LIlith she has been perfect and fun and full of lots of love for all of us.The three cats have now become brothers and sister, and spend lots of time playing, kittie-thunderdoming (aka running full speed) around the house chasing each other, watching the animals outside through the windows together, cricket and bug hunting, and all sorts of wonderful kitty activities. We have chosen some of our favorite pictures of them to share with you as they show how close they have become. We hope this update brings a smile to your faces and we’re sure you were wondering how she has been doing. Please stay safe and healthy and keep doing the great work you are all doing, and we will be sure to share more pictures of the happy kitties in the future.

Check out some adorable photos of Lilith, Norman, and Elliott below:

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