Adoption Tails #23: Jinxy

Welcome to the 23rd edition of Adoption Tails, our blog series that highlights YOUR pet’s story!

In this Adoption Tail, we explore the story of Jinxy. This handsome boy was adopted in August 2016 by his cat mom, Annette, and her boyfriend, James. Slow to adjust, loving Jinxy now runs the house! He is adored by his family. Read on to learn more about this boy’s journey into his forever home!

When did you adopt Jinxy?

August 2016

How old was Jinxy when you adopted him, and how old is he now?

Lounging by the Christmas tree!

5 when we adopted him, 9 years-old right old right now.

What motivated you to adopt?

I worked at the Petsmart he was at. At first glance I thought he was my baby Keira, who I had lost to cancer in 2014, the year before. As I swallowed my heart back down at how they could have been littermates, he placed his paw on the acrylic separating us and I broke down. I kept enquiring if anyone had put in papers for him, and no one had. I asked my boyfriend if he minded having a third, and the rest is history.

Did you have pets previously?

Yes, I’ve had cats since I was a little girl.

How did you hear about/decide to adopt from Karma Cat + Zen Dog Rescue Society?

I worked at the Petsmart they were at.

Describe when you first met Jinxy and how you knew he was the right pet for you.

During an adoption event at work, I asked if I could go in and pet Jinxy. I was already in love with him for weeks. I went in, opened his cage and picked him up. He wrapped his paws around my neck and buried his face in my neck and shoulders and I was done.

Handsome Jinxy!

Describe bringing Jinxy home – how did the adjustment period go?

Jinxy adjusted slowly. He had been taken back by Karma Cat from a bad situation. He stayed under my bed for a while. He and Cheddar were okay with each other and became best friends. Nala, soon to be 16 this year couldn’t stand him. Every day my boyfriend sat at the top of the steps talking gently to him, bringing him his food, and gently brushing him. For someone who never had more than a fish before – he was a natural cat whisperer. Now Jinxy runs the house.

If applicable, describe any personality/behavior changes from since you brought Jinxy home, to now.

He started out afraid of his own shadow. Now he races up and down the stairs “talking” all the time. He sits on the recliner with his Dad, and wraps his tail around Dad’s shoulders. He body slams his Dad until he gets scooped up and given scratches and head massages. He trills, yips, and makes the most adorable sounds. Constantly talking and yelling at you. He knows the sound of Daddy’s car and races to the front door when he comes home. He slaps the treat container and trills at us when he wants treats. Which is always.

How would you describe Jinxy’s personality?

He is the sweetest, most loving boy. He sits patiently for his turn for treats. He loves comfy soft blankets, drooling and “making biscuits.” He likes me but he ADORES his Dad. So much that when I sit on the arm of the recliner to give his Dad a hug and kiss when I come home, Jinxy rockets down the stairs and body slams my legs until I get off “his” recliner. When I get up- he jumps up onto the arm and wraps his tail around his Daddy’s shoulders.

Please describe any silly/quirky traits Jinxy has.

He turns into a werewolf once in a while. He will be half asleep on my…sorry, HIS throw blanket and suddenly his eyes bug out and he throws his head back like a vampire about to strike. Then the zoomies start. Up and down the stairs, trilling and yammering the whole time. On his wilder berserker moments he enjoys shredding the door frames until you call him. Then he shoots outta the room like a rocket. His new favorite thing is after breakfast, we throw bird seed and peanuts out onto the deck. He eats, and races to the sliding doors to watch the “bird show” for hours. If you forget to put the seed out – Jinxy has NO problem sitting by the doors and chittering at you to let you know you’re a lazy slacker.

Please provide any additional stories or information that you’d like to tell us about Jinxy and/or his adoption experience.

Any doubts about having a third cat were put to rest when I learned his birthday is 11/11, which is one of my favorite numbers as well as an angel number that constantly shows up in my life. Even though he loves his Daddy more than me (No, I’m not jealous at all) I am so happy he chose our family. Nala tolerates him now, and we believe she is secretly in love because she always follows him around the house. He even gives her a lick on the head once in a while and she pretends to hate it. ?



Follow Jinxy and his siblings on Instagram or Facebook!


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