Adoption Tails #17: Peppermint and Paddy

Welcome to the 17th edition of Adoption Tails, our blog series that highlights YOUR pet’s story!

In today’s Adoption Tail, read all about the story of Peppermint and Paddy (formerly known as Dasher and Prancer). These two black-and-white beauties received the best holiday gift and were adopted by a loving family in December 2017 who knew these siblings deserved a chance at the very best life. Since then, they’ve been living it up by soaking up the sun, sniffing the breeze, and being loved on every day. Enjoy!

When did you adopt Peppermint and Paddy?

December 30, 2017.

How old were Peppermint and Paddy when you adopted them, and how old are they now?

They were 5 months old when we adopted them and they are now 2 years and 10 months old.

What motivated you to adopt?

We knew it was time for a pet in our family and we knew we would adopt from a rescue. We were teaching our daughter how important it is to always get a rescue or shelter pet that needs a home. We also told her that although tiny kittens are very cute, there are lots of cats that might be older and need a good home.

Did you have pets previously?

My husband and i both had pets (dogs and cats) growing up and we knew we would get a pet when my daughter was a little older (she is 12 now).

How did you hear about/decide to adopt from Karma Cat + Zen Dog Rescue Society?

We found Karma Cat + Zen Dog online and were following you guys on Facebook for a while – we live in North Jersey but liked your organization so much that we wanted to adopt from you!

Describe when you first met Peppermint and Paddy and how you knew they were the right pets for you.

When we called Karma Cat + Zen Dog with interest in two other cats we saw online, the woman we spoke with said they were very very shy and might not be the best for our house at the time with a 10 year old that we knew was going to want to play with them and carry them around. But she said, “I have two other cats that fit just that personality.” When she said that both of these cats had a respiratory infection when they were kittens and both have scar tissue on their eye, my daughter said we absolutely have to have these two because not many other people will want to adopt them. So we had it in our hearts before even seeing Prancer and Dasher that we wanted them – now we just had to meet them.

We drove down from North Jersey and as soon as we met them, we really fell in love with them.

Describe bringing Peppermint and Paddy home – how did the adjustment period go?

They adjusted immediately – they made themselves so comfortable and snuggled up with us right away. My daughter likes to say that’s because they know they are in their forever home.

If applicable, describe any personality/behavior changes from since you brought Peppermint and Paddy home, to now.

When we first brought them home they stayed together and slept together but now they are both more independent. Peppermint likes to be extra warm so she sleeps with my daughter and Paddy sleeps on our bed and even goes to bed before we do to secure his spot.

How would you describe Peppermint and Paddy’s personalities?

Peppermint is the girl and bigger than Paddy; she is more feisty and playful and you can always pick her up and carry her around. Paddy is a little more shy but still is loving and snuggly.

Please describe any silly/quirky traits Peppermint and Paddy have.

Peppermint loves to be warm – she love to be under blankets and follows the sun around. Paddy is the opposite – he loves the window open even in winter and wants to look outside. Paddy, because he is smaller, will try and hide underneath our kitchen chair when it’s time to eat and then try and ambush Peppermint and because she is bigger can’t fit as easily under the chair. That’s his only chance to win when they play.

Please provide any additional stories or information that you’d like to tell us about Peppermint and Paddy and/or their adoption experience.

We just love them so much They have the best personalities. Paddy has the tiniest meow ever and the littlest paws and Peppermint has these gigantic feet!

Interested in sharing your own Karma Cat + Zen Dog Adoption Tail? We want to hear from you! Click here to submit your story!

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