No Kill Nation!

I’ve posted before about why PeTA doesn’t deserve your money. And I’ve alluded to why the ASPCA and the HSUS doesn’t deserve your money. And maybe some of you thought, “Oh, Christie, why are you even bothering to write about those big organizations – they must be good if they are that big.” Well, they…


Sweet Duncan

Duncan was originally rescued from deplorable conditions – living outside, born to a frail feral cat who had to fight for every meal. Duncan and his siblings were saved by volunteers committed to a trap-neuter-return campaign. He was fostered and nursed back to health – then neutered before he came to us. He saw a…

Litter, Litter

As defined by, Litter (noun): 1 a : a covered and curtained couch provided with shafts and used for carrying a single passenger    b : a device (as a stretcher) for carrying a sick or injured person 2 a (1) : material used as bedding for animals (2) : material used to absorb…


No doubt you’ve heard about the miracle dog Patrick, right? I was going to provide a link to his story but there are too many … you’ll get tons of choices if you do a web search for “patrick miracle dog”. Anyway, long story made short: Patrick was nearly starved to death, thrown in a…