
Major Medical

Sometimes, an animal’s best chance at a normal life involves a drastic surgical procedure. In January 2012, we had the opportunity to improve the lives of two cats with two different issues. Bethany Bethany was rescued by a kind school busdriver that had been watching her walk a young girl to and from the bus…


Year in Review: 2011

It seems like yesterday I was writing our first “end of the year” blog … and here we are again already. The end of the year is always a nice time for reflection. To take stock and, most importantly, count our blessings. Adopters, Volunteers, Board Members, Donors, FaceBook & Twitter friends – we thank you…


Sweet Duncan

Duncan was originally rescued from deplorable conditions – living outside, born to a frail feral cat who had to fight for every meal. Duncan and his siblings were saved by volunteers committed to a trap-neuter-return campaign. He was fostered and nursed back to health – then neutered before he came to us. He saw a…

Litter, Litter

As defined by Merriam-Webster.com, Litter (noun): 1 a : a covered and curtained couch provided with shafts and used for carrying a single passenger    b : a device (as a stretcher) for carrying a sick or injured person 2 a (1) : material used as bedding for animals (2) : material used to absorb…