Dear Kitty Answers Your Questions About Cats
Written by Karma Cat Foster, Socializer, Crafting Guru, and Blog Writer, Jacqueline R.

Dear Kitty;
Our sweet cat just had kittens. They were ALL born with blue eyes! We were so happy, but thought it was a little unusual. Will their eyes stay blue as they get older??
– Signed Don’t Make Our Blue Eyes Blue
Dear Don’t Make Our Blue Eyes Blue;
Most cats that are born have blue eyes. I am sad to tell you though, that they eventually change when they’re around 3 weeks old. Their eyes will become their natural color that will remain into adulthood at around 12-14 weeks of age. I’m sure you’ll continue loving them no matter what color their eyes are!

Dear Kitty;
We just adopted a kitty from our local rescue. We love her so much, but suddenly there’s hair all over the house. We’re afraid she’s going to lose all her hair! How much hair do cats have anyway? Do we have to worry about her going bald?!
– Signed Friends of Telly Savalas
Dear Friends of Telly;
Thanks for adopting your kitty! It’s wonderful that she has a home now. The average cat has over 130,000 hairs on every square inch of their body! With that much hair, it is inevitable that cat hair will get everywhere in your home. You don’t need to worry about her going bald – it all grows back. Brushing your cat can remove a lot of the loose hairs though. Happy brushing!

Dear Kitty;
Yesterday we spent hours looking for our cat. We were sure she’d slipped out through the back door and ran away. Finally after hours of searching we found her sitting up on top of our refrigerator. She’s never been top that high before. We’re still trying to figure out how she got there. Is it possible she jumped that high?
– signed Mom of Super Kitty Who is Able to Leap Tall Refrigerators
Dear Mom of Super Kitty;
Cats are expert jumpers with great depth perception. If you ever see them wiggling their butts before jumping or pouncing, they are adjusting so they can get the jump just right! Amazingly, cats can jump up to five times their height. It may not seem like much when cats jump on the counter but imagine if humans could jump 25-30 feet in the air! So, the next time kitty goes missing – look up!!

Dear Kitty;
I’m left handed, and everyone, even my family, makes fun of me. They call me “Southpaw”. My grandma says that some cats are left handed too, and that it means I’m special. How can I tell if my cat is right or left handed.
– Signed Southpaw Looking For a Friend
Dear South Paw:
Your grandma was right – you are special, and cats do have paws they prefer! About half of all cats are right-handed, about 40% of cats are left-handed, and the remaining 10% of cats are ambidextrous, meaning they will use both their left and right paws equally. Wondering which paw your cat prefers? Try holding a cat toy just out of reach of your cat and see which paw they use to grab it. You may want to try it a few times to be sure, but that will give you the answer. I’m keeping my paws crossed that you find your kitty is a southpaw too
This concludes the March edition of Dear Kitty. Stay tuned for more insight from our helpful kitties – or better yet, visit Noir and all his friends at our adoption center. We’re at 39 S Main Street, Milltown, NJ 08850, and open to visitors Wednesday + Friday from 5 – 7 PM, and Saturday + Sunday from 12 – 4 PM.