Why do Cats…
Written by Karma Cat Foster, Socializer, Crafting Guru, and Blog Writer, Jacqueline R. Source information found in 10 Goofy Things Cats Do and Why by Advanced Care Veterinary Hospital.

Why Do Cats Stare at You?
In most cases, cats will stare at someone to get their attention so that they can get your food, or (as a second choice) your love. The amazing thing is how intense that look can be. Of course, besides asks for attention, we all know the evil eye they can give you if you dare to do something they do not approve of! Thank goodness they’re cute and cuddly.

Why Do Cats Make Biscuits/Knead?
Commonly referred to as “making biscuits” or “making muffins”, many cats will knead on soft surfaces before laying down. Most experts believe that cats just exhibit this behavior to show that they are happy since it is usually accompanied by meowing or purring. This behavior mimics the way very young kittens knead on their mother while suckling. It’s also a good reason to keep those daggers they call nails trimmed. Raise your hand of you’ve ever sat perfectly still, wincing while kitty made biscuits on your chest, with their sweet eyes closed and their purr machine on full blast, just delighted that they loved you enough to do so.

Why Do Cats Bring Owners “Presents”?
Our sweet little kitties like to share the prey they’ve killed with the family that they share a home and food with. After all, we gather their food and prepare it – they’re just helping to hunt it! Some people believe this is kitty showing us their gratitude for the love and care we give them, while others think they are trying to feed us because they think we’re too bad at hunting to get it for ourselves. So the next time kitty drops a prize at your feet, whether it’s a dead mouse or a captured chile pepper toy, just hold your nose, tell them how much you love them back, and bury the thing in the backyard after they’re asleep.

Bubbles, sleeping on the shelf next to her bed.
Why Do Cats Sleep in Weird Places?
From cardboard boxes, the shoulder of their owner, or shelving, cats are known for sleeping in the oddest places! If you really pay attention, you’ll see that most of these times, those weird places puts them closer to you, their favorite person. Because they feel relaxed around you, and certain you’ll protect them from any monsters that are close by.

Why Do Cats Chatter Their Teeth When They See Birds?
It’s a strange sight to see kitty staring out the window, watching the birds and squirrels and chattering their teeth. Are they scared? Cold? Upset? Well, the truth is they’re probably practicing their biting technique so their next attack on the neighborhood rodent or bird will be more successful. Or, it could just be a sign of their being excited. Or a sign of frustration because those dang critters are just out of reach. Or. . .well, it’s cats, so it kind of could be anything! But it is kind of amusing to watch. Just giggle around the corner, so you won’t offend their sensibilities.

Why Do Cats Sniff Human Faces?
Come on now folks! It’s just one of the ways they recognize the people that they love…or find out what kind of dinner you didn’t share with them. It’s certainly a step up from our canine friends who prefer sniffing your butt! While there may not be a clear cut reason why our cats do this, it’s pretty common and really is done with love, so just them have this one.

Why Do Cats Sleep On Their Owner’s Chest?
This may be one of the sweeter things our little critters do, right? This is the strength of their emotional connection with us. They love to hear our heartbeat, and feel the warmth of our chest. Again, it’s all about the safety and security we provide and that they depend on. We are their world and their safe place.