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The Most Common Cat Health Questions, Answered

Cat health is important.


Many people consider cats to be fairly independent animals, and while they may not need taken on walks every day like dogs, you do need to evaluate your cat’s health on a regular basis (and give him/her tons of love and attention!) Read on to learn about the most common cat health concerns and discover what it takes to keep your kitty safe, happy and healthy.


1. What is the function of the most common cat vaccines, such as the FVRCP and rabies vaccines?

Vaccines create an immune response in pets’ bodies, protecting them against potentially fatal infectious diseases. For example, rabies spreads very quickly so to prevent and combat it, cats receive the rabies vaccine. Another common vaccine is the FVRCP vaccine which protects cats against feline rhinotracheitis virus, calicivirus and panleukopenia. If you’re unsure if your cat is up-to-date on its shots, contact your vet right away.

2. Why is it important to make sure your cat is regularly vaccinated?

Vaccines prevent serious and debilitating diseases. Even indoor cats are susceptible to infectious diseases! Vaccinations protect pet owners as well, since some diseases such as rabies can be transmitted to humans.

3. What are some common cat health issues that people might want to watch for at home?

First and foremost, be sure to look at the litter box while scooping. Any changes in the consistency or amount of your cat’s fecal matter could indicate a digestive or urinary tract issue. It’s important to get to know your cat and what is normal for them. Also make sure to watch out for any changes in behavior, such as an active cat acting abnormally quiet.


4. How does cat health change as your cat ages?

Kittens and senior cats are more susceptible to illness. Infections in kittens can become serious very quickly so it’s advised to visit your vet as soon as possible if you notice your kitten is becoming ill. As cats get older, dental care is very important and often overlooked by pet owners. For senior cats, keep an eye out for signs of joint disease, kidney disease, vision issues, unusual lumps or bumps and any abnormal weight gain or loss. Again, if you sense something could be wrong, take your cat to the vet right away. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.


5. Which common plants are dangerous to cats?

It’s easy to forget that plants can be dangerous (or even deadly) to our feline friends. Below is a list of plants that you should never bring into your home or let your kitties around:

  • Lilies
  • Azalea
  • Ivy
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Daffodil
  • Dahlia
  • Mistletoe
  • Tulips

Our food isn’t always safe for kitties, either. Some produce not to feed to your cat include onions, garlic and grapes. Before bringing any kind of plant into your home, a quick Google search will let you know if it is safe for your pet.

6. How can I tell whether my cat just has a cold or if it’s something more serious?

A sneezing cat may be sick, have allergies or simply have something in its nose. A respiratory infection is typically accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, loss of appetite, lethargy, or discharge from the eyes. When in doubt, take your kitty to the vet.

7. How do I know if my cat needs a special diet?

img_2024bSpecial diets exist for kittens, senior cats and specific breeds. If your cat gets sick after eating, he or she may need a special diet. If you believe your cat needs a special diet, consult your veterinarian first. A multitude of specialty diets are available on the market today ranging from grain free to prescription based. And remember, if you need to switch your cat’s diet, make sure you change them over to their new food gradually.

Have more questions about cat health? Leave us a comment below and we’ll get back to you!

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    1. Hi Connie,
      We are not vets, but we suggest you take her to a vet for a checkup and bloodwork. It could be illness or hyperthyroidism which requires medication. If you are stressed about the expense, please search around for a low-cost clinic in your area.

    2. My cat fits the statement above about the twelve year old cat. Plus, my cat frequently goes into coughing/gagging spells which seem to be very painful as she scratches and hugs the floor In convulsions. Please help!

      1. Winston, please take your cat to your vet immediately. We can not give adequate advice on this blog, he/she needs medical help.

    1. Hi Joseph,
      Has the cat been recently vaccinated? Was the cat injured at all? We are not vets, and we strongly recommend a vet visit. If you are concerned about expense, please search for a low-cost clinic in your area.

    1. Janice,
      We suggest taking your cat to the veterinarian to see what they recommend. If the topical flea treatment is not working, your cat may need a different kind. Additionally, if your house has become a home for the fleas, you may need to look into methods for ridding the home of fleas as well.

  1. My 6 year old male cat who normally is aloof, has been overly attentive and insists on laying beside me.
    He seems otherwise very healthy. Not sure why he wants so much affection from me.

    1. He may be sensing a change in you … or he has just decided to be more affectionate. If he hasn’t seen a veterinarian lately, now may be a very good time to make an appointment to have him examined.

  2. i got my kitten from the vet a week ago today..they told me to give her purina kitten chow..dry….she seem hungry so after about 4 days i bought her some little friskies can food….now she just looks at the dry and walks away…this was not my intention..how do i get her to eat her dry again?

    1. Susie,
      Wet food is usually more appetizing and satisfying to cats as it is more like their natural diet. Dry cat and dog food was essentially created for the convenience of humans 😉
      When picking out a food for your kitten, please look at the ingredients – the better foods will have real meat and limited byproducts and corn (these are cheap fillers).

  3. I have a 23 year old 6 toed cat who has been sneaseing with a heavy discharge I’ve heard that as cats get older there immune system stops produceing Vit. C is this something I should be conserned about or is it just normal for her age I’ve also started to feed her raw chicken breast meat which seems to agree with her

    1. Please take your cat to a veterinarian to be examined – heavy nasal discharge is not normal. Also, if you are feeding raw food, please make sure your cat is getting all the nutrients she needs.

  4. My cat has just recently gave birth to 2 kittens and now, not even a few days later.. they have fleas. I hate fleas soo much and when I saw the first flea on the kitten, I was thinking it can’t be good for their health and they can easily get sick or get worms and won’t be able to feed from their mother properly, and they are far too young to give them any treatment they are not even a week old yet, what can I possibly do to get rid of them pathetic little creatures, without harming the kittens in any way. Please let me know ASAP! Thanks.

    1. Please call your veterinarian ASAP. To get fleas off of little kittens, you will likely need to bathe them but it needs to be done properly so you don’t injure the kittens (and they must stay warm while bathing and while drying). If the kittens have fleas, it means the mother has fleas too … ask your veterinarian how you can treat the momma cat. Also, please speak with your vet about scheduling the appointment to have your adult cats spayed/neutered to avoid future litters of kittens. 🙂

  5. My kitten keeps on vomiting and having thick watery fece and somewhat bloody discharge . Im worrying . What might be wrong?

  6. My kittens eat almonds all the time I looked it up to see if it is good for my kittens and I couldn’t find anything. Is it good for kittens to eat almonds?

  7. My 1 year old cat has a watery eye and we took her to the vet in Feb but almost a year later her eye is the same, she eats and drinks normal and is a very active cat?

  8. my cat isnt eating losing weight fast just lays around all of a sudden what can i do i dont want to lose him but i dont have alot of money to work with

  9. Hi! My cat is having trouble getting on a diet. I am also having trouble getting him on a diet . Can you list some healty cat food that may contain: fish, chicken, salmon, tuna, beef, seaweed, and turkey.


  10. My 17-yr old cat has just started scooting her bottom across the floor every now and then. I remember my dog doing that years ago, and knew there could have been a clogged duct. When I checked her bottom was red and slightly swollen, as if she just used the littler box. I applied a cool paper towel to help with the inflammation and discomfort she was in. Is there anything else that I can do?

    1. Hi there, it could be that your cat is experiencing a skin condition that’s itchy or painful, or it could be parasites, allergies or an anal gland issue. We’d advise speaking to your vet about this if it continues.

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