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#GivingTuesday: How You Can Help

There’s a chill in the air, you have the urge to snuggle up with your pet (and never leave the couch), and people everywhere are prepping for get-togethers with loved ones. That’s right: it’s the holiday season! Have you heard about the global generosity movement, #GivingTuesday, that occurs each year on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving?…

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2018 Recap: A Grand Opening, Many Adoptions & More!

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″] [et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] Happy New Year! We are so excited for 2019, but last year was a truly monumental one for us, so we want to pause and honor it with a 2018 recap. Check out our 2018 highlights below: First and foremost – we found 150 animals their forever…

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The Cuteness is in the Details

We’ve all seen those amazing purebred cats like the Scottish Fold, the Sphinx, and the Norwegian Forest Cat. They are beautiful and unique animals … and they are rarely seen in the world of cat rescue. Usually the cats we see at the overcrowded shelters are “plain” or “unremarkable” cats. They are often seen as…

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Recap: Milltown Adoption Center Grand Opening

“Let new adventures begin.” As you may have heard, we hosted a Grand Opening/Open House celebration at our brand new Milltown Adoption Center last Sunday, July 29. And guess what? It was a raging success, thanks to you! In addition to hosting nearly 150 guests – and radio station Magic 98.3 – we also: Raised…

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Save the Date: Milltown Grand Opening!

The time is finally here! It’s time for the grand opening of our Milltown adoption center! The Nitty Gritty Who: You’re invited! And so are your friends, family and kids! What: We want to give you a warm welcome to our new adoption center. This grand opening/open house is free-of-charge and will feature: Facility tours…