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Cats and Plants 101: What’s Safe and What’s Not

Spring is quickly approaching and that means it’s time to start thinking about the plants, both in your home and in your garden. But before you sow just any seed, you need to consider which plants are safe for cats and which aren’t.

Luckily, we’ve got a list for you. Keep reading to learn about 10 plants to avoid – and 10 that are perfectly safe for kitty.

Important Note: This list is not inclusive. If you have questions about a specific plant, be sure to ask your vet before bringing the plant into your home or garden. If you have one of the dangerous plants and/or suspect your cat has ingested it, please remove the plant from your home and take your pet to the vet immediately. Only keep plants you know are safe inside your house and/or in your garden. For further information on more plants that are toxic and nontoxic to pets, please click here.

10 Plants to Avoid

1. Azaleas and Rhododendrons

Source: Wikimedia Commons

2. Lilies

Source: publicdomainpictures.net

3. Peace Lily

Source: flickr.com

4. Sago Palm

Source: Wikimedia Commons

5. Tulips

Source: Wikimedia Commons

6. Aloe

Source: Wikimedia Commons

7. Daffodils

Source: Wikimedia Commons

8. Dieffenbachia

Source: Wikimedia Commons

9. Oleander

Source: Wikimedia Commons

10. Cyclamen

Source: Wikimedia Commons

10 Plants That Are SAFE!

1. Areca Palm

Source: Wikimedia Commons

2. Variegated Wax Plant

Source: ASPCA.org

3. Spider Plant

Source: Wikimedia Commons

4. Bamboo Palm (not ALL bamboo is safe though; check with your vet if in doubt!)

Source: flickr.com

5. Lilyturf

Source: flickr.com

6. Boston Fern

Source: Wikimedia Commons

7. African Daisy

Source: flickr.com

8. African Violet
9. Orchids

Source: Wikimedia Commons

10. Roses

Ready to get planting? Shop our Spring Flower Fundraiser to order seeds for all your favorite plants, from fruits and vegetables to herbs and flowers! Better yet, half of all profits will benefit Karma Cat + Zen Dog.
Note: Plants/seeds for sale are not necessarily safe for cats. Be sure to consult your vet before bringing any new plants into your home. Fundraiser ends March 31, 2017.

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  1. Are lilacs poisonous to cats. I love to pick them for the house, but the blooms drop off & I worry about my kitties.

    1. I have a focus tree and recently adopted a Maine coon 6 month old kitty is this a bad plant to have around her?

          1. Lucky bamboo is toxic to cats. Make a note at least or remove bamboo all together from okay list.

      1. I have several of the plants you mentioned that are not safe. sago palm, ficus…I have had the ficus tree for 21 years or more???? I just threw out lilies that were on my table. There must be a way of knowing whether you can keep plants of soooo many years in when I have had 6 cats in my home over the years and no problems with the same plants.

  2. I have the annual Verbena (not to be confused with the flowering shrub verbena) He was chewing on the leaves and then threw up a small amount. Are these toxic to cats? Needless to say, I put them out of reach.

    1. Hi Lissa,

      I am not sure which specific verbena plant you are referring to, but here is a list featuring several different verbena plants and their toxicity (if any) to cats. https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/cats-plant-list As you can see, lemon verbena is toxic, but sand verbena and wild lantana are not.

      As always, we suggest always consulting your veterinarian prior to introducing any new plants to your household.

    1. Hi Karin,

      Carnations can be toxic to cats. I suggest removing the plant from your home and contacting a veterinarian immediately if your cat has had contact with the plant. Also, in the future, we suggest consulting a veterinarian before introducing any new plants into your home. Here is an article with more information on carnations: http://pets.thenest.com/carnations-poisonous-cats-4450.html

  3. Are schefflera umbrella plants poisonous to cats? I’m adopting a boy and want to know if I should get rid of it brfore bringing him home.

  4. Hi
    Lilacs are a huge favorite of ours. What is the danger for cats? Is just being in proximity problematic or eating them s problem for the cat ?

  5. Hello:)
    Can you tell me if miscanthus gracillimus is toxic or safe for both cats and dogs? My cat keeps wantu g to chew on this in my garden!

  6. My cat makes a B-line for a potted annual plant on my patio called… Gazania…are there any issues with that variety that you’re aware of?

    1. Hi Shirley, unfortunately I’m not sure what plant you are talking about. What is the scientific name of the plant? When in doubt, always check with your vet before bringing any new plants into your home. Only bring plants into your home that you are 100% sure are safe for pets!

  7. I checked aspca for strawflowers (Bracteantha). I found nothing. They are far from “tender fare” for a cat to taste- at least the flowers) I just need to know whether I can bring them indoors to overwinter them with my cats. If not, I will give them away.

  8. I have a curly willow tree in my yard. I want to cut some branches to bring in and root over the winter. Is this safe for cats?

      1. Regular grass ok IF it hasnt been sprayed or treated with weedkillers or other possibly toxic yard care products.
        Dogs and cats will often eat a bit of grass to make themselves vomit when they have a certain feeling… it’s like self-medicating.
        I’ve had both dogs and cats over the years and often at the same time as plants like pointsettia or philodendron Never have I had a cat munch on a toxic plant. Cats are quite smart about not eating things that are bad for them. A quality diet and regular meals probably are the best insurance against foraging among the toxic plants. It is a good thing spider plants are not toxic though – every cat I’ve ever had is crazy about them and those always have to be hung so the cats can’t get at them or they gorge on them. Weird!

  9. what CAN I bring into the house as a houseplant (not a large, floor plant) that I can grow for my cat to safely eat?

    I tried cat grass at pet stores – they eat it, it dies out, and doesn’t re-grow. I tried looking at grass seed in bags to grow myself, but MANY of the types of seeds they sell now say “not for consumption” and “not to let animals eat it”! (Since when is grown-grass not edible by animals and “unsafe for consumption”? Nowadays, with a confusing array of grass seeds to choose which have apparently been tampered with, things added, etc.

    So what grass seed, in house, might be good to grow and let my cats eat it.

    ALSO – I had catnip I grow – but was told by a pet store worker THAT Is bad for cats and very toxic causing liver and/or kidney problems? Is this true?


    1. Hi Jane, I did some research and wasn’t able to find a clear answer regarding Dragon’s Tongue. Please consult your vet.

          1. Thank you Heidi. Our beloved cat has been chewing on our shamrock. The shamrock is going outside. Your response saved our beautiful cat. Thank you!!!!

          2. You are so welcome! Thank you for checking and caring so greatly for your kitty 🙂

  10. I volunteer at a cat shelter that has an atrium. What plants could we use that would withstand cats laying on them and trying to destroy them. Would like them to be perennial so we would not have to plant every Spring.

    1. You’re welcome. Also make sure your kitties don’t get outside if you have lilies out there 🙂

    1. It would depend on what else is in the driftwood (bugs, chemicals, etc). We would suggest not letting your cat eat or lick the wood. And if you are questioning the material, it would be best to not let you cat have access to it.

  11. The most common house plant in the world I think is Pothos, but we all just call house IVY thatwe have all had forever with our pets, and personally I’ve never had one die or get sick. I have a new 6mo. old kitten who has diarrhea tonight, and I think she could have eaten a tiny bit. Should I be scared and throw all of my “house Ivy” pothos away?

  12. Are pomegranate tree leaves safe for cats? There is one growing near my balcony and I occasionally catch my cat nibbling the leaves. I cannot remove the tree but could clip the twigs nearest to us.

  13. What some dog owners may not know is that there are some plants and flowers that are dangerous to our furry family members. It is better to do some research about our garden and plants to prevent dogs from getting poisoned. Also, train your dogs not to eat anything else. In the worst case, call your vet once your dog got poisoned.

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