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Rescue Gone Wrong

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”] As many of you may have heard, 86 animals were found living in deplorable conditions in a condo in West New York, NJ. All the animals were housed in one room, most of them in cages. Well, surely it must have been a large room?…

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9 Lives From Helmetta

On 11/13/14 at approximately 9am, the NJSPCA raided the Helmetta Regional Animal Shelter after months of reports from volunteers and employees. Suspected abuse to many of the animals inside this new, large facility that served 21 towns. On 11/13/14 at approximately 10pm, one veterinarian and a few vet techs were allowed into the shelter to…


Too. Many. Cats.

As many as 5,000. That is the astounding number of cats that could be produced by only two unaltered adult cats in merely five short years. Why am I citing this worrying statistic besides pointing out the need for you to spay/neuter your cats? Because we are now involved in a desperate situation and we need…

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Down the Shore – and over on Staten Island

UPDATE 11/11/12 200pm: A large large donation was made to Staten Island Feral Initiative today: cat food (200+ cans & 2 large bags), carriers, toys, treats, litter, litter boxes, beds & linens. Thank you to everyone that donated – the feral cat caregivers were so grateful. Elena assembled over 30 volunteers today to build approximately…