Adoption Tails #11: Odyssey (FKA George)

Welcome to the eleventh edition of Adoption Tails, our blog series that highlights YOUR pet’s story!

Today we are telling the tale of Odyssey, formerly known as George. This gorgeous panther kitty was very appropriately adopted on Halloween 2018. Read on to learn about how his parents found him, and his many quirks, all told by his mom, Heidi.

When did you adopt Odyssey?

October 31, 2018 … Halloween!

How old was Odyssey when you adopted him, and how old is he now?

Odyssey was two years old when we got him and he’s almost three now.

What motivated you to adopt?

My husband and I LOVE animals and had had one cat for several years and always wanted to add to the family.

Did you have pets previously?

Yep, we had pets! Growing up I have always had pets and my husband and I had had one cat for about 3.5 years before getting Odyssey.

How did you hear about/decide to adopt from Karma Cat + Zen Dog Rescue Society?

When looking online for cats we saw a listing actually for another cat that happened to be at Karma Cat. We were looking for a very specific personality to match our current cat. When we went to go visit we felt like the one that brought us there was a bit too “alpha” for our current cat. It was suggested we look at Odyssey since he was so chill and social with the other cats.

We spent about 15 minutes with him and fell in love with him.

Describe when you first met Odyssey and how you knew he was the right pet for you.

Odyssey was meandering around at the Milltown Adoption Center and he was very chill and social. He hopped up on the table and was laying down on my husband’s jacket. He was just so friendly and sweet! We wanted a cat that wasn’t skittish and one who was chill to match our other cat and he seemed perfect!

Describe bringing Odyssey home – how did the adjustment period go?

The adjustment period went pretty well! Odyssey was in the bathroom bonding with me for about a day and was super curious about getting out and exploring! He and my other cat quickly got used to each other and now constantly play and snuggle together.

If applicable, describe any personality/behavior changes from since you brought Odyssey home, to now.

At first Odyssey was very quiet and would rarely speak, but now he will often meow when excited about food or when wandering around the apartment expressing curiosity.

How would you describe Odyssey’s personality?

Odyssey LOVES his tail. Whenever he is saying hi to someone or to our other cat, he constantly brushes his tail back and forth across your leg. He loves attention and will typically follow me around because I’m his mom. He loves looking out the window and is fascinating by the outdoors. He also loves the fresh air and watching birds. He’s very playful and is a good learner. He’s so well-behaved, too. I was told when adopting him that he didn’t really like being held, but now he loves it! He’ll often lay down in my arms. He also will lay down on my stomach, back, or even my side to receive pets or just to purr.

Please describe any silly/quirky traits Odyssey has.

When he gets really relaxed sometimes his tongue pokes out of his mouth. I don’t think he realizes he does it because after being pet, he’ll still walk around like that, like he doesn’t notice. When he is curious sometimes his meow sounds like a question.

Please provide any additional stories or information that you’d like to tell us about Odyssey.

Odyssey is very social and will come to the door to greet myself and my husband when we come home. He also finds it amusing to watch me exercise and jump around. It’s a funny challenge to try and get some good pictures of him because he’s black. And since we got him, he’s gotten so much fluffier! We were told that he had to be shaved because of fleas and so we weren’t sure how long his hair would get. He’s super soft and his tail is super fluffy.

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