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Hustle and Bustle

There are many times in our lives when we are stressed out – running around like crazy people trying to get everything done. The “holiday season” is surely a great example. But, we aren’t the only ones feeling the effects of our packed schedules and long to-do lists – our pets can get stressed out…



Onychectomy, popularly known as declawing, is an operation to surgically remove an animal’s claws by means of amputating all or part of the distal phalanx, or end bones, of the animal’s toes. (definition per wikipedia). “Lilly” shows off her claws before her monthly pedicure. But, let’s be honest about declawing … it is the mutilation…

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Failing to Save the Cats

The New Jersey 2012 municipal shelter statistics are finally available (in general, rescue groups are not included). http://www.state.nj.us/health/cd/documents/animaldisp12.pdf But, don’t get too excited – they aren’t really that pretty. Better than some states, sure … but are they acceptable in the age of knowledge, ever-increasing pet care (i.e. money spent on our pets) and increased…


Cat Introductions

There’s a reason we recommend certain things when adding a new cat to a home … we’ve been down this road quite a few times and we kinda know what we are talking about. No, seriously … of the 10+ adoption counselors, we have something like 75 cats amongst us. We’ve “been there, done that”…