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Giving Made Easy: Buy a Bag, Give a Meal™ Program

We recently had the honor of rescuing our 1,000th Karma Cat (meet Lucky, he’s a totally handsome sweetheart). As you can probably guess, rescuing 1,000 cats hasn’t been an easy task. The supplies we need to take care of all of our Karma Cats don’t just magically appear, they are the result of the generosity of many individuals and organizations alike.

Lucky, our adorable 1,000th rescue.

One of those generous organizations is Rescue Bank, a national pet food distributor operated by GreaterGood.org. Rescue Bank has generously provided Karma Cat with tons of cat food supplies – and now it’s our turn to give back.

One of the many generous food donations we’ve received from Rescue Bank.

Giving Made Easy

Giving to needy pets has never been so easy! Rescue Bank and Petsmart have teamed up to create the Buy a Bag Give a Meal™ program, so that whenever you buy a bag of cat or dog food at Petsmart, Petsmart will give a meal to a pet in need. Easy peasy.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • All brands and all sizes of bagged pet food qualify for this program.
  • The program is running until December 31, 2017.
  • The program is running in more than 1,500 Petsmart stores nationwide.
  • The program is also valid when shopping online at Petsmart.com and Petsmart.ca.
  • Petsmart and Rescue Bank expect to donate 60 million meals in 2017.
  • Donated meals are 5 ounces of dog food or 1.5 ounces of cat food, based on the daily requirements for a typical adult 40 pound dog or 10 pound cat.
  • Meals will be distributed to pet shelters, food banks, animal welfare organizations or other similar organizations based on the needs of these recipients.

So what are you waiting for? Pet rescue organizations across the country depend on donations made by Rescue Bank, and giving has seriously never been so easy. The next time you need to restock on your pet’s food, hop on over to Petsmart and you’ll not only feed your pet, but other pets in need – at no additional cost to you. It’s truly a win-win.

And while you’re at it, don’t forget to swing by the North Brunswick, New Jersey Petsmart location to visit us and meet our sweet, furry Adoptables!

To find a Petsmart near you, click here. To learn more about the Buy a Bag, Give a Meal™ program, click here.

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