
Ironman – A True Gentleman

It is with a heavy heart and a tear in my eye that I write this post. Our Ironman passed away in his sleep in the very early morning hours of 7/20/12.

Sweet Ironman

We have no idea of his exact age, how he was originally rescued or many of the details of his life. But we do know that he was one of the most gentle and loving cats we have ever met.

You can read this blog post about how Ironman became a Karma Cat in 2010. In short, he was in need of rescue after his animal-rescue human passed away. If he and his cat-brothers were brought to almost any municipal animal shelter, they would have most likely been “euthanized” as all were in their senior years and scared due to their recent loss and move. Karma Cat + Zen Dog was able to take them in so that would not happen.

Over the past year and a half, Ironman settled into a foster home where he was quite comfortable. Last year, his blood work results showed that he was in the early stages of kidney disease. Sadly, there is no cure for this disease – the only things to be done are maintenance with proper food and lots of love.

The support of our volunteers and donors allowed us to properly care for Ironman – thank you for believing in this organization.

Ironman hugging
Ironman, giving me a hug

Rest in peace, sweet boy – you will be missed,


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  1. Ironman was a handsome boy. Thank you for taking care of him. I’m very sorry for your loss *hugs*

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