Sanctuary Cats: Forever Loved
Written by Karma Cat Foster, Socializer, Crafting Guru, and Blog Writer, Jacqueline R.

Ever wonder what a “sanctuary” cat is? Well, it isn’t a cat dedicated to a life of worship in a Cathedral. Sanctuary animals, especially here at Karma Cat Rescue Society, are our feline friends who will be forever cared for by our rescue in the homes of specially selected fosters.
Each year, about 6 million stray animals wind up in shelters – that’s an incredible number of cats and dogs to be cared for and re-homed. Many of these cats (and dogs) are elderly and/or in need of medical care.
At Karma Cat Rescue Society, our goal is always to find a forever home for every cat we take in. Everything we do is always in the best interests of the cats we lovingly serve. There is no one who loves cats more than the 150+ volunteers who work so hard at KCRS. After assessing the cats during intake, running them through a medical check, and working with them at the adoption center and in foster homes, we do everything we can to find them the home they deserve.

There are times, however, when a cat has challenges that make finding a home for them seems very unlikely. This might be due to medical conditions or behavioral issues that we aren’t able to solve. Some cats have been passed around so much, from the streets to home after home, that they just shut down emotionally and really need stability in their lives.

And so, here we are, with a cat who has unique needs and deserves love and attention no more or less than any other cat. A cat who needs a loving human partner who understands their needs and loves them.
The teams at KCRS never take decisions like this lightly since the organization doesn’t have designated sanctuary space – we totally depend on willing fosters on a case-by-case basis. After discussing what is in the best interest of the cat in our care, we sometimes decide to keep a cat with special needs in the care of our rescue for the rest of their lives. This decision also involves finding the right sanctuary home and human partner, and leaning on our generous donors for help in defraying ongoing costs.
At Karma Cat, we currently have five cats in sanctuary care: Anna, Birdie, Carl, Mikki, and Jasper.
I am currently the human partner with Mikki, who just recently became a sanctuary cat.
Mikki is 13 years young. His world was recently turned upside down when he lost the only home and family he’d ever known – his human and two other feline siblings – and was surrendered to us at KCRS. We took him to the vet for a medical workup, where he received the attention he needed. Sadly, Mikki faced yet another significant loss – he unexpectedly and suddenly lost all vision in one eye.

He was placed in foster care to heal and be lovingly cared for until we could find him a loving home. His recent experiences proved to be too much for Mikki – losing his family, his home, and his vision. We wanted nothing more than to love him, but he was just not ready. Our caring team could see the effect all of this was having on Mikki and realized what he needed was stability and a safe place to snuggle while learning to trust people again at his own pace.
I brought Mikki home on Memorial Day weekend. He hissed whenever I entered the room and swatted at me whenever I came close. I still haven’t petted his black and white fur, though I imagine it’s very soft. Just yesterday, after weeks of step-by-step progression, he actually ate a treat from my hand. Champagne corks were popped! I hope one day to earn his trust so I can give him lots of soft gentle pets and scratches on his neck.
Mikki will live out his days as a KCRS sanctuary cat in a home with me and his foster family of two chihuahuas and another KCRS-adopted senior cat. He has a room all to himself with a gated entrance so he can see and hear all the goings-on and still feel safe.
Were it not for KCRS, Mikki would have been taken to a shelter, and who knows what would have happened to him there.

Help Us Continue Our Mission
Providing sanctuary care for cats like Mikki is a labor of love that requires ongoing support. Your generous donations make it possible for us to give these special cats the stable, loving homes they need. Every contribution helps us cover the costs of medical care, food, and other essentials for our sanctuary cats. If you’re moved by the stories of our sanctuary cats and want to help us provide them with a lifetime of love and care, please consider donating to our sanctuary program. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of these wonderful cats who deserve nothing but the best.