Neuter Your Ex!
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Neuter Your Ex!

A Fundraiser with a Bite Breakups are rough. But fixing a feral cat? That’s empowering. For a $28 donation, we’ll name a feral cat after your ex before they undergo a life-changing surgery – neutering (or spaying, we are equal-opportunity snippers)! Once “Taylor” or “Chris” (or whatever name you choose) has been snipped, they’ll be released back outside…

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#GivingTuesday: How You Can Help

There’s a chill in the air, you have the urge to snuggle up with your pet (and never leave the couch), and people everywhere are prepping for get-togethers with loved ones. That’s right: it’s the holiday season! Have you heard about the global generosity movement, #GivingTuesday, that occurs each year on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving?…

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Giving Made Easy: Buy a Bag, Give a Meal™ Program

We recently had the honor of rescuing our 1,000th Karma Cat (meet Lucky, he’s a totally handsome sweetheart). As you can probably guess, rescuing 1,000 cats hasn’t been an easy task. The supplies we need to take care of all of our Karma Cats don’t just magically appear, they are the result of the generosity of many…