Adoption Tails #13: Queenie

Welcome to the thirteenth edition of Adoption Tails, our blog series that highlights YOUR pet’s story! In this Adoption Tails, we’ll be talking about the story of Queenie (formerly known as Queen Latifah), a very lucky cat who was found by her mom on the job! Read on to hear all about the special relationship from cat mom Jessie’s perspective.

When did you adopt Queenie?

August 16, 2018.

How old was Queenie when you adopted her, and how old is she now?

I adopted Queenie when she turned four months old. She is now one year old and turning two in April.

What motivated you to adopt?

The first day she came to the PetSmart store that I work at, we bonded immediately. If I entered the room, she lit up and had to say hello. She wouldn’t let me give anyone else attention. We loved each other the first moment we met.

Did you have pets previously?

My one cat had just passed, and I was left with three cats. The cat’s passing was hard for me, and I told myself “no more cats.” But the second I saw Queenie, I knew I had to take her in.

How did you hear about/decide to adopt from Karma Cat + Zen Dog Rescue Society?

I work at the North Brunswick PetSmart where she was. I had seen many cats pass through, and I was able to keep my distance until I saw her.

Describe when you first met Queenie and how you knew she was the right pet for you.

The first day she was brought in with her brothers and sister, I went over to say hi. She stood in the way of her siblings and only let me touch her. She constantly looked at me with love and excitement and I knew I wanted to be her mom.

Describe bringing Queenie home – how did the adjustment period go?

I have two 16-year-old cats and had a 13-year-old cat that Queenie knew for a few months before she passed. It took a while for everyone to warm up to each other, but Queenie felt right at home the second we walked in the door.

How would you describe Queenie’s personality?

She loves to run across the house and does flips when jumping for toys. She’s very happy with her open space and loving family.

Please describe any silly/quirky traits Queenie has.

She is hyper 90% of the time, a cuddlebug 10% of the time. She loves playing and running around, and she loves stealing turkey and knocking pens off the table, but when it’s time to sleep, she has to be right next to my face, kneading on her “soft blankie.”

Please describe any silly/quirky traits Queenie has.

She jumps like a rabbit. When she sees her favorite toy (a cough drop), she pounces on it and then puts it in her mouth and throws it so she can chase it. And when she drinks water from the sink, she gets it all over her face and shakes her head, spraying me every time.

Please provide any additional stories or information that you’d like to tell us about Queenie.

She may be a troublemaker from time to time, but she is still my little girl.

I love her and I’m so happy I adopted her and became her mom.

Interested in sharing your own Karma Cat + Zen Dog Adoption Tail? We want to hear from you! Click here to submit your story!

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